
The production is tried to be performed ecologically, with less use of herbicides and pesticides with the use of manure. The technology of drying is done the old fashioned way by light pre-drying and then drying to achieve the best possible quality. Pre-drying is carried out in tight bags in open air three to four weeks, and only then very slow drying follows in low temperature driers.

In order to achieve top quality, after drying peppers are selected and separated in order to reject all defective fruits, then there’s separating the stem from the fruit. Because of the slow process of drying and careful screening, the pepper keeps its quality much longer than the conventional method of production.

The pepper is then milled at a special mill several times, until the fineness of 300 microns is achieved. Storage is done in a dry and airily place in hermetically sealed bags.

Quality product

Lactose Free
Gluten Free
Preservative Free
Nitrat Salts Free

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