kulenova seka

kulenova seka

Kulen got its name "Slavonic kulen" among us from the original form of which was adapted to a base of a foreign word which has been used in many variations of the basic idea. The original name ‘kulen’ for "sausage" remained in Slavonia to this date. Kulen, meat product, sausage, there is no other name for it, and the term "Slavonic kulen" or just "kulen" in the Croatian language means always the same thing; it is the original domestic product, pork sausage, made in the pig cecum with certain additions of salt and spices - pepper and garlic. This is an authentic Croatian product, which in ikavian areas of Slavonia is called "Kulin".

By the mid-20th century, pig farming in Croatia was adapted to the biological rhythms of the natural ecological system, the succession of the seasons, the growth and maturing of crops and wild berries and preparing food for the winter period of a mainly agricultural population. The timely natural biorhythm was used in the autumn’s plenty of food for fattening, and in winter to spring for storing salted and dried meat. Smoke and special conditions of open hearth then served for the necessary surface protection of meat that accommodated the hearth more or less protected from fire, insects and animals. Domestic Slavonic Kulen is an original Croatian domestic product of the meat, which creation and development are related to the farms of Slavonic-Croatian territory.

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